
Historically many organizations have been vertically structured with poor integration among development, infrastructure, security and support teams. Developers want to build applications and change things quickly, whereas IT operations are focused on stability and reliability. This mismatch in goals can lead to conflict and a failure to achieve business goals. DevOps represents a cultural shift to encourage collaboration to deliver applications faster with greater level of reliability and stability. We work hard to enable continuous deployment, continuous integrations and automation of operations & compliance with AWS services and where appropriate 3rd party tooling.

Operations Automation

Operations Automation
We ensure all operational requirements are met at deployment by baking them into your Cloudformation and Terraform templates. We inventory, automate and confirm alignment using standard AWS and Azure services or Lambda for custom requirements such as creation of a custom alarm on EC2 instance launch and removal on EC2 instance termination. Automation being the prime strategy to automate all the operations, we use major scripting languages Shell, Python, Javascript to build, test, deploy in Agile Cl/CD fashion.

Infrastructure As Code (IAC)

Provisioning Infrastructure services are much simpler now through versioning, reusing and expressing them as code, which is where our expert knowledge could help businesses. The future of operations is code rather than implementing them in a less automated fashion. We setup fully automated environments using our IAC templates on go. We expertise in two of the major IAC cloud provisioning tools CloudFormation and Terraform to support and create resources for business.


Cloud Formation
CloudFormation is a service from AWS that allows businesses to define implementation and configuration of all their AWS environments and application stacks. From network, through IAM, to application stacks we enable you to manage the definition and change of your environments as version controlled source code. Using AWS CloudFormation, we can automate most of the AWS services available in the market.
Available Services: AWS Lambda, AWS Cloud Front, AWS API Gateway, AWS DynamoDB, AWS 53, AWS Route53, AWS Autoscaling, AWS Elastic Load Balancer, AWS Elastic Compute Cloud, AWS VPC, AWS IAM, AWS Security Groups, AWS WAF, AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS CodeStar, Amazon Elastic Container Service, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, AWS CodeCommit, Amazon CloudWatch, AWS X-Ray and many others.


Terraform is an extremely popular laC automation product, supports combination of multi cloud provider (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud) and inhouse solutions into single templating configuration Also, adds more feasibility and reliability to implement and configure your environments much simpler than CloudFormation. Define, manage and versionize all your environments and applications using terraform laC automation. We build and deploy applications, using some of our common business logic multi cloud services to integrate AWS EC2, AWS RDS for SQL Azure Cosmos NoSQL databases, Azure Active directory, AWS Elastic Load Balancers, AWS Autoscaling, Kubernetes, Ansible configs, SSL certificate management, AWS CloudWatch, SumoLogic monitoring, AWS Audit Trails, etc.


We play a key role to design, architect, create, manage and support businesses to migrate from in-house solutions to single or multi cloud providers solutions without any major changes to their infrastructure and existing devops processes, if available. Terraform and cloudformation templates are developed with large volume of inbuilt and cross functions available. Terraform also supports in managing CloudFormation deployments, that allows us to create, manage, and deploy AWS services defined using CloudFormation yaml languages in the progress of migration and integration.

Serverless Application Model (SAM)

We have tremendous experience in deploying our Serverless Application Model using Terraform, AWS and Azure services. Serverless Applications are simply a Platform As A Service (PAAS) model, which allows us to manage fewer cloud resources (i.e., AWS Lambda, API Gateway, CloudFront, S3, Route53, Databases, Cognito, etc) without having the burden to manage the whole infrastructure. We pay only on the basis of the number of REST API requests received and the duration it takes to process the requests. We create SAM applications in an automated fashion from git to production delivery. One of our Serverless application solution is architected in a way to use multi cloud providing resources, that includes AWS 53 static website, CloudFront, Route53, Lambda, API Gateway, DynamoDB, CloudWatch, Autoscaling, IAM policies and permissions with Azure Active directory services.


Orchestrate and manage all your application docker containers from a single dashboard using our Kubernetes deployment setup. Deploy your production like environments throughout your development setup cutting down your management and setup costs. Easy to manage and scale applications dynamically using Admin Dashboard. We design, develop, implement and test kubernetes scripts according to your business solutions.


Monitoring made simple to investigate and integrate all application related problems in seconds. Integrate all your application logs running from frontend requests, backend flows, database entries, server health checks, performance measures, message queues pushed onto a single monitoring tool like SumoLogic, Kibana etc. We help businesses to address the application errors effectively in shorter time span through best monitoring tools in the market and allow them to spend time on developing newer features.

Deployment Pipelines

Deployment Pipelines
We work extensively with AWS CodeCommit, CodePipeline and CodeDeploy to enable application development teams in the development, testing and deployment of applications. We also create, design, build and manage the deployment configuration jobs on major Cl/CD tools like Jenkins, TeamCity and CircleCl. Efficiency of the build pipelines depends on the feasibility and adaptability of accommodating the builds to run effectively in a serial and parallel design. With our expert knowledge in scripting automation, we do not spare any build waiting times by running them in a sequential parallel model. This allows us to scale the additional servers horizontally and vertically depending on the requirements. Even our Cl/CD pipeline are automated using groovy for Jenkins and Kotlin for TeamCity. This allows us to write everything as a code and push it to git for versioning. That includes Cl/CD build config, commands to execute, scripting process and procedures, IAC code on provisioning cloud resources, creating release artefacts, and deploying to production. Pipeline automation is derived to include unit tests, build, deploy to development environment, and perform end-to-end test using selenium or tescafe tools and then deploy to UAT environment for release.

Compilance Automation

Compliance Automation
We implement Compliance Automation with the innovative usage of AWS Services. AWS IAM policies allows us to define a set of rules and compliance policies according to the client's company policies and compliance standards. We have CloudFormation templates to deploy common security compliance policies adhering two factor authentication by forcing MFA for all AWS and Azure user accounts. The automation scripts also creates restrictive IAM user groups, roles and policies that restricts the user with create, update and view permissions according to the client company's active directory roles. Other common policies as part of our automation includes enforcing account level password policies, password rotation, audit trails, avoid root access and enforcing only IAM users, ensuring no security group routes to whole world, ensuring cloud metric alerts on VPC modifications, cost alert notifications, etc.

Data Manipulation

Data Manipulation
Data manipulation using Lambda and Event Triggers on S3 buckets is used extensively by our team for various use cases and scenarios.